After being crowned the queen of hearts 2009, i had to choose a project and plan an event.
With the help of my organisation Powwerry, a charity event was suitable for me since i came
from an underdeveloped country Tanzania. I had to research and look around different orphanage
centers and i came up with this small place in Dar-es-salaam called Hiari Orphanage Center. After doing
the event ( night of kind hearts) here in Finland Helsinki we were able to provide 5 decor beds,centers and i came up with this small place in Dar-es-salaam called Hiari Orphanage Center. After doing
matresses,pillows, mosquito nets, bedsheets and covers, 2 fans and lots of love!!
My project was a success thanx to my family, friends, Powwerry and everybody who contributed
in the fund even with a bit of love!I am willing to continue this project to try and help another orphanage centers out there!!
If just a little of help and the children look this happy!! What will just abit more of help do??!!